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Showing posts from January, 2009

Sekretariat KOMED

Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa pihak KOMED akan menubuhkan sebuah sekretariat untuk membantu KOMED melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dirancang. Penyertaan ke sekretariat ini adalah terbuka kepada 30 orang pelajar Diploma Komunikasi dan Media dari semua semester. Mereka yang berminat boleh meletakkan nama di ruang yang telah disediakan di luar pejabat fakulti (bilik Koordinator Program). Penyertaan anda amatlah dihargai dan semoga usaha ini akan memantapkan lagi KOMED sebagai persatuan pelajar-pelajar MC110. Penasihat KOMED

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PERHATIAN KEPADA PELAJAR FAKULTI KOMUNIKASI & PENGAJIAN MEDIA TAQWIM PERLAKSANAAN PROGRAM PEMBANGUNAN & KEPIMPINAN PELAJAR (PPKP) SEMESTER DISEMBER 2008 – MEI 2009 MODUL DIPLOMA MODUL 1 (Semester 1) :10 & 11 JANUARI 2009 (SABTU & AHAD) MODUL 2 (Semester 2) :17 JANUARI 2009 (SABTU) MODUL3 (Semester 3) :7 FEBUARI 2009 (SABTU) MODUL 4 (Semester 4) :14 & 15 FEBUARI 2009 (SABTU & AHAD) MODUL 5 (Semester 5/6) :21 FEBUARI 2009 (SABTU) *Kehadiran anda adalah wajib. Kelas akan diberitahu kemudian... Penyelaras PPKP Fakulti Komunikasi & Pengajian Media

A New Year Begins, Another Semester Starts

Salam and greetings to all. Firstly, a very Happy New Year to all Masscommites in Lendu, Malacca. May the year 2009 be a prosperous and joyous one for all of us. The new semester has already begun. The oh-so-quiet-campus is now buzzing with life again. To all Masscomm students, the best of luck for the new semester in your quest and pursuit of knowledge. Now, on to a more serious note. As stated in a previous post, it had been made clear that this blog is " created to build a platform where all Masscomites in Lendu can express constructive opinions and comments pertaining to all things Masscomm ". Thus, it is highly apppreciated if readers of this blog can utilize this blog CONSTRUCTIVELY and leave appropriate comments, which MUST be accompanied by your name and class (for the semester). However, it is dissapointing to see that there are still some who are ignorant of this. Some negative comments were found in the chat box. The blog administrators had no choice but to r...