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I.C.E is an abbreviation for Islamic Communication Event. It is an event that serves as a final project for the diploma students of the sixth semester from the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies UiTM Alor Gajah, Melaka.

Spearheaded by none other than the students themselves, the event will be exhibiting the plethora forms and facets of Islamic communications to the audiences.

Staying true to its founding maxim; 'Reviving the Spirit of Islam', the event will serve as a wakeup call towards the society into broading their perspectives towards Islam. Such event is an excellent platform in introducing ‘Islam’, not only as religion but as way of life towards the society. Not only that, the event will also be featuring interesting activities within Islamic contexts.

The event itself is a 2 days event; held from 25 until 26 February 2012, which will be convened at the West Concourse Area in Dataran Pahlawan, Melaka.


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