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Showing posts from January, 2013

Bengkel Penulisan Kreatif 2012


ISNIN 4 FEB  8.00PM-10.00PM COM167/COM161 DK 2           1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G, 1H                                          LIB 101                       DK 3   2A, 2B, 2C, 2D                                                                               DK 5     2E, 2F, 2G, 2H LIB 201 DK 6     3A, 3B, 3C, 3D DK 7     3E, 3F, 3G, 3H SELASA 5 FEB 8.00PM-10.00PM          INC 271 DK 6     2A, 2B, 2C, 2D DK 7     2E, 2F, 2G, 2H ...

Family Day 2013

Hope to see all Family of Mass Commers to be at our upcoming event where all can bond and fond with our own kind. ;) @FamilyDay2013  (Twitter)  (Facebook)  (Youtube - Video Promo)

Camp KOMED 2013

A camp brought by the line ups of the new MT KOMED and the Secretariat as well. The purpose of this camp is to bring KOMED to the next level and to improve for a better organization as KOMED is a place where students go to and refer them as their reliable informer also leaders. Alhamdulillah, the camp went well, just as we expected. It brought the organization to a higher level of understanding within the committees also brought the committees even closer. The camp was officiate by our KPP, Sir Shahril Anuar Abd Ghalim and we are grateful of that. Not to forget the lecturers who took the time to come to the event, and spend your time for the closing of the event with us KOMED and the Secretariat, we are glad to know that it brought you joy and comfort to be there. Lastly, CAMP KOMED 2013 IS A WRAP ! KOMED thank to all that was involved throughout the whole process of making this camp work before, during and after.


“Masscomm's Family Day” adalah suatu program yang merupakan satu initiatif Kelab Komunikasi dan Pengajian Media (KOMED) yang diharap akan diterusan dalam mengeratkan seluruh komuniti Fakulti Komunikasi dan Pengajian Media (i.e Pensyarah dan Pelajar ) supaya dikenali sebagai satu entiti yang dianggap sebagai satu unit “keluarga yang bertindak” di samping memberi peluang kepada Mahasiswa-nya memupuk minat dalam bidang keusahawanan. Program yang berorentasikan rekreasi pelajar (senior dan junior) bersama pensyarah ini menuntut penyertaan bersama setiap kelas dari setiap semester (Semester 1 sehingga Semester 6) dalam pertandingan mini yang akan diadakan disamping penyediaan beberapa unit khemah “canopy” yang akan disediakan bagi membolehkan pelajar membuka gerai bagi mereka menawarkan aneka makanan dan barangan.   Poster 1 : "Air Yang Dicincang Tak Akan Putus" Poster 2 : "Bersatu Teguh Bercerai Roboh" Poster 3 :...

Elak Gugur Taraf

Kepada pelajar yang masih belum menjelaskan bayaran yuran, sila  berjumpa dengan Penasihat Akademik atau Penasihat KOMED (Madam Shida).  Untuk mengelakkan dari gugur taraf sebelum 9 Januari.